Index Of Names A-H
--- John Isom | ---John Isom | | | --- Rebecca Jones Spencer Isom | --- Unknown | | ---Hannah Russel | --- UnknownWILL OF SPENCER ISOM (Grayson County Virginia) (Will Book 2, 1839-1849 11 Sept.1849) In the name of God, amen, I Spencer Isom of the County of Grayson and State of Virginia being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and name this my last WIll and Testament that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my executors nothing doubting but at the general resurection I shall receive the same again by the almighty power of God, and touching such worldy estate wherewith it has pleased God to help in this life. I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. First I make and appoint my son John Isom to be my executor and Andrew Hampton executrix of this last Will and Testament, all my just debts to be paid in the first place and my estate to be divided as followeth: I give and bequeath to my wife Susannah Isom if she is the longest lived to hold the land now living on in our life time. Beginning at the mouth of a stream between the two plantations little above a large white rock in the edge of the river then running up the stream to the head then to a corner of a 150 acre, with the said 150 acre to WIlliam Sentons line to belong to where I now live except what I have deeded away down the river to the beginning. To be left on the plantation as many horses as will be efficient to carry on the farm if they were here and so many cows and other stocks of all kind as who is the longest lived thinks proper to keep, and the balance to be sold, and the slaves and blacksmith tools to remain on the place till our deaths, then to be sold amongst Nancy, Polly, Patsey, Cynthia, Rebecca, John, James H. and my grandson John R. Isom. The slaves at our deaths to be sold by the above heirs and no other person to bid, and the money to be divided amongst all my heirs and my grandson John R. Isom, to have an equal share with one of my heirs. I bequeath to my son James J. Isom the old place where we now live at our death, and the blacksmith tools to be equal between James H. Isom and John R. Isom. I bequeath to my grandson John R. Isom a tract of land beginning at the mouth of a stream the stream above the white rock running up the stream to the line of 150 acre with that line a few poles to M Vaughn's line then binding on Vaughns Collins and Hamptons lines to the river then up to the river to the beginning. Containing 100 acres more or less: one good horse bridle and saddle. I bequeath Cynthia WIlson fifteen dollars to make her equal to the rest of the heirs, and if any of the Legators is dissatisfied with this my Last Will and Testament they are not to have anything more than what they have already got from me and I do hereby utterly disallow and rebuke and disannull all and every other form Testament and Will legacies bequeathed and Exetors by me or any wise before named willed and bequeathed satisying and confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11th day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Nine. Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said Spencer Isom as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presene of each other have hereunto subscrived our names. Saml Cox Haywood Cox Alexander Cox Grayson County Court October Term 1849 This Last Will and Testament of Spencer Isom deceased was proved by the oaths of Samuel Cox and Haywood Cox subscribing witness thereto and is ordered to be received. And on motion of John Isom and Andrew Hampton the Executors therein named who made with thereunto and together with Minitree Jones Sr. Wainer Hail James Carson and Andrew Robinson their securities entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $1200.00 conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate if the said will in due form. A Copy Teste John Dickerson C C WILL OF SUSANNAH ISOM (Grayson County Virginia) (Entered in Will Book 1, 1794-1839) In the name of God Amen, I Susannah Isom of the County of Grayson and State of Virginia being very weak of body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God calling unto mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men & women once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament. That is to say principally and first all I give and recommend my soul into the hand of almighty God that gave it and my body I recommend to earth to be buried in decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors nothing doubting but in the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and touching such worldly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form: a. First I make and appoint my son John Isom & Andrew Hampton to be my Executors & Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament all my just debts to be paid in the first place and my estate what I have left over after my death to be sold to the best bidders and equally divided amongst my heirs and John R. Isom except Henry Wilson and Rebecca his wife and I allow them to have one dollar of my estate and no more, and I do hereby utterly disallow and revoke and disannull all and any other formtestament wills legasees bequeaths and Executors by me or any wise before named Will or bequeaths ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last WIll and Testament in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this 15th day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Five. Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the same Susannah Isom in presence of us who in her presence of each other herento subscribed our name. Samuel Cox Jr Calaway Cox Grayson County Court October Term 1855 This last Will and Testament of Susannah Isom deceased was proved by the oath of Samuel Cox and Calaway Cox subscribing witnesses to be recorded and on the notoce of John Isom and Andrew Hampton the Executorss therin sho made oath. These two and together with Minitree Jones Sr their security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $550 conditioned as the law directs a certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate of the said will in due form. Teste Wm R. Dickey D.C.