Hugh Stackhouse was born in Leicester England in 1804 and came to America with his brother William (My GG Grandfather) at an early age, sometime before 1820. Hugh married Sarah Row in 1842 and they had 4 children as shown in the Orange County Indiana 1850 Federal Census. Sarah died sometime between 1850 and 1853. The 1860 Orange County Federal Census shows him married to Morning (Dalton) with 3 more children age 6 and under. His daughter Elizabeth shows up on the 1850 census but not the 1860, so I don't know if she died young, or exactly what happended to her during that time. Family Group Sheet Stackhouse - Row ============================================================ Husband: Hugh Stackhouse 2nd Marriage born: 1804 place: Leicester Eng marr: 1 Jan 1842 place: Indiana (Source - Indiana Marriages) died: place: buried: place: father: Hugh Stackhouse mother: Mary Berrington ?? ============================================================ Wife: Sarah Row born: Abt 1820 place: Indiana died: 1850-53 place: Indiana buried: place: Indiana father: Unknown mother: Unknown ============================================================ CHILDREN ============================================================ #1 Mary J born: 1842 place: Indiana marr: 6 July 1856 (Source: Indiana Marriages) place: Indiana died: place: buried: place: spouse: Thomas Wright ------------------------------------------------------------ #2 William born: 1843 place: Indiana marr: place: died: place: buried: place: spouse: ------------------------------------------------------------ #3 Anna born: 1847 place: Indiana marr: place: died: place: buried: place: spouse: ------------------------------------------------------------ #4 Elizabeth born: 1848-49 place: Indiana marr: place: died: place: buried: place: spouse: ============================================================ --- Unknown | --- Hugh Stackhouse | | | --- Unknown Hugh Stackhouse | --- Unknown | | --- Mary Berrington ?? | --- Unknown 1850 Orange County Indiana, Northwest Township, Federal Census (Lists Name, Age, Occupation and Place of Birth) 1149-1153 STACKHOUSE Hugh 46 Farmer Eng Sarah 30 In Mary J. 8 In WIlliam 7 In Anna 3 In Elizabeth 1 1/2 In 1860 Orange County Indiana Federal Census 1104-1102 STACKHOUSE Hugh 56 Farmer $650 $100 Eng Morning 30 In Ann (Anna) 12 In Hannah 6 In WIlliam 16 Farmer In Joseph 4 In John A. 2 In |