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Sir Gideon Isom/Ison
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Index Of Names I-Z
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you are looking for. I'm still in the process of adding names, so if you don't see a name you're looking for, please email me and I'll see if I have any more information.
Cynthia Ingram (-)
Mary Jones (-)
Isaac Jones (-)
Rebecca Jones (1713-?)
Sara Jane Jones (-)
Clarence G Kellogg (-)
Etta May Kellogg (-)
Hannah King (16?-?)
Eliza Lane (Abt 1830-?)
Bertha Rachael Lantz (-)
Georgia Larrabee (-)
Alberta Lewis(-)
Brett Lee Lewis (Living)
Clinton I Lewis(-)
Debe Lewis (Living)
Donald Brent Lewis (Living)
Donald J Lewis (-)
Gary Lee Lewis (Living)
Grace Lewis(-)
Kenneth Lewis(-)
Louise Lewis(-)
Michelle Marie Lewis (Living)
Pearl Lewis(-)
Phyllis Lewis(-)
Renselar Lewis(-)
Robert H Lewis (-)
Ronnie Edward Lewis (Living)
Virginia Lewis(-)
Hopkins Love (1854-1920)
Fredrick Martin (Abt 1822-?)
Livinia McDowell (Abt 1829-?)
Jane McNabb (1798-1804-?)
Charity McKnight (1793-4-1860-70)
William McKnight (-)
? Melton (-)
Frances Melton (Living)
? Miller (Abt 1833-?)
Harvey Willis Mitchell (1880-?)
Ida Mary Mitchell (1875-?)
Isis Cynthia Mitchell (1878-1932)
James C Mitchell (1848-?)
John Wesley Mitchell (1876-?)
Louis Fredric Mitchell (1883-?)
Walterette Mitchell (1895-1968)
Walter Manford Mitchell (1871-?)
Polly Moore (-)
William T Moore (Abt 1830-?)
? Mosier (-)
Rebecca Oury (-)
Clarissa Peery (-)
Matilda (Mattie) Peery (-)
William Shelton Pointer (Abt 1837-?)
Thomas K Pollard (Abt 1840-?)
Johnson Pool (1808-1838)
Clara Porter (1865-1896)
George W. Porter (-)
Mary Potts (-)
Jerusha Powers (-)
Michael Prewitt (-)
Samuel Price(-)
Jonathan Pruitt (Abt 1833-?)
Luhama Querry (-)
Jesse Rapor (1806-?)
Rhoda Repass (-)
Nancy Richards (-)
Andrew Richardson (1831-?)
Anna Robinette (-)
Louise Emma Robinette (-)
Sarah Row (1820-1850-53)
Hanna Russel (-)
Clinton Shaffer(-)
Martha A Sherrand (1842-1895)
Mary Simcox (1823-abt1870)
Aron Simcox (-)
Cynthia Smith (-)
Alfred Stackhouse (1828-?)
Anna Stackhouse (1847-?)
Charles Stackhouse (1850-?)
Elizabeth Stackhouse (1848-49-?)
George Stackhouse (1852-1877)
George Stackhouse (-)
Hanna Stackhouse (1854-1931)
Henry Stackhouse (1832-1872)
Hugh Stackhouse (-)
Hugh Stackhouse (1804-?)
Hugh Stackhouse (1837-?)
John A Stackhouse (1858-1885)
Joseph Stackhouse (1856-?)
Lurella Stackhouse (1848-1890)
Margaret J Stackhouse (1859-?)
Maria Stackhouse (-)
Maria J Stackhouse (1854-?)
Maria Stackhouse (1855-?)
Mary E Stackhouse (1859-60-?)
Mary J Stackhouse (1842-?)
Mary Jane Stackhouse (1839-1900)
Nancy Stackhouse (1843-?)
Sanford Stackhouse (1834-1882-85)
Sarah Stackhouse (1860-?)
Theodore Stackhouse (1821-?)
Theodore Stackhouse (1843-?)
Vol Stackhouse (1858-?)
Wallace Stackhouse (-)
William Stackhouse (1800-1872)
William Stackhouse (1843-?)
William Stackhouse (1847-?)
Sarah Stanfield (Abt1799-1869)
Mike Stillman (Living)
Eliza Ann Tabor (1820-?)
Belle Tanksley (-)
Manoah Taylor (-)
Margaret Ann Taylor (-)
Francis Tolliver (-)
Jacob David Toliver (-)
John Toliver (-)
Phoebe Travis(-)
Cecil True (-)
Jesse Truesdale (Abt 1839-?)
Alexander Gary Lee Urbanik (Living)
Anthony Mark Urbanik (Living)
Vincent Michael Urbanik (Living)
Donald Van Meter (1933-?)
Doris Van Meter (1935-1989-90)
Leroy Van Meter (1939-?)
Margaret Ann Van Meter
Roy Van Meter (Abt 1906-7-)
James Waddle (-)
Lovicie Waddle (-)
Mark Wainscot (-)
John Walden (-)
James O Ward (Abt 1833-?)
Earl Webster(-)
Martin Wells(-)
Mahalia Jane White (1835-?)
Henry Wilson (-)
John Wilson (-)
Sarah Emily Woody (-)